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From Julie's Kitchen: Real Summer Sippers

Summertime is slurpee season, and while I’m not against the occasional stroll to the corner store, I could do without the plethora of kool-aid, pop and other sugary drinks that get chugged throughout the summer months. Here are a few new drink ideas if you need to ditch your iced tea mix.

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Take Your Taste Buds on a Vacation

Not everyone can take a yearly vacation to a faraway place. Everything is more complicated (and costly) when you’re traveling with kids, and taking a few weeks off from a job to explore overseas may simply not be an option.

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Entertainment Without Breaking the Bank - 5 Potluck Ideas for Low-Stress Entertaining on the Cheap

Potlucks have been a fun, intimate way for people to share a meal for centuries. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the first known use of the term was in 1592 and meant guests were invited to eat, but the host wasn’t responsible for the contents of the pot (pot + luck). Nowadays, you don’t have to worry about what’s in the stew. Today’s potlucks allow you to entertain friends without the expense or time commitment of a full-blown party.

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Creating Your Own Fast Food

Does it feel like you live in the car shuffling kids from play practice to sporting event to sleepover? With all this shuffling, what’s happened to your family meal table? That’s exactly the question Melodie M. Davis asks in her book, Whatever Happened to Dinner? Recipes and Reflections for Family Mealtime. In her study of the evolution of family mealtime, she discovers that it changes with our changing culture; but despite the changing culture, we as parents must keep mealtime as glue for holding the family together and a center point in our lives.

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