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Ages 11-17

Running for Cover? Take These Steps to Tame Unruly Tween ’Tudes

Psychologist G. Stanley Hall famously described the teenage years as a “storm.” But the teen tempest is foreshadowed by some early storm warnings during the tween years: unsettling new behaviors like blatant eye-rolling, public back-talk and peer worship. These wearing attitudes darken the horizon like threatening clouds during early adolescence - and make parents want to run for cover.

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Strengthening Bonds - Re-Connect with Your Tween

If you are parenting a tween, you are probably aware how easily the kids are suddenly just too busy even for you. They are likely spending significantly more time with their peers. While they may be less dependent than the elementary school days, it is an important season of parenting to be intentional in ways to connect with them.

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Younger Siblings get Lost in the College Rush

March is the month that most high school seniors find out about college acceptances. Then, they have until May 1 to pick their college. 

It is a time of excitement and disappointment...and it is a time that consumes families as they cope with the emotional upheaval and the daunting financial commitment to come. BUT, that's not what we're discussing now!

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Driven to distraction: Cell phones in the high school classroom

Eight years ago we purchased a cell phone for our now 22 year old daughter when she began grade nine. Our rationale was that being more independent at that time, a cell phone for communication (with us in particular) was warranted. Now, waiting until our children are high school age to purchase a cell phone for them is almost unheard of. When our younger daughter (now 14), was 12, she got her first cell phone.

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