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Parent Connection

Creating Connections

Feeling like you are the only person in the world who is awake as you pace the floor all night with a sick baby in your arms?

Hiding in the dark pantry to cry alone after yelling at your kids because they’ve been bickering at each other for hours on end?

Wondering if you are the only one who has to repeat themselves 3,457 times to get your teenager to complete one simple task?

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Rekindle the romance: 52 (plus!) creative date night ideas

Are you skipping date night with your spouse or significant other? If so, you may want to rethink the amount of time you rendezvous with the one you love. Research shows that couples who spend time together every week have higher quality relationships.

What better way to have one-on-one time than date night? No matter what your interests, personality or financial status, there are date night ideas to suit everyone. The last two years have made dating difficult due to social distancing, closures and even financial concerns. Don’t let the challenges stop you! With a little creativity, couples can still find ways to spend quality time together. Hire a sitter or trade child care with another couple and try one of these 52 plus creative ways to date your mate – more than one for every week of the year!

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What not to say (when someone is trying to get pregnant)

As someone who struggled to conceive for two years after getting married, I’ve been on the receiving end of a few inappropriate comments, both from strangers and well-meaning loved ones.

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How to ask your boss to work from home (at least some of the time)

Before the first lockdown - remember that? We were so innocent then! The idea of working from home sent shivers down the spines of middle management everywhere. Once many of us were told to do it, our suspicions were confirmed - we’re better off! 

Since things seem to be calming down enough for employers to start requesting us back to the office, that means that parents are going to have to figure out how to lose some of the conveniences of a work-life balance. Or, heaven forbid, actually having to find time to drop the kids off at school and not having to pay someone else to pick them up. 

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