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Raise Your Hand if You Have Ever Volunteered!

Then you will understand when, I leave the house to attend a parent council meeting, community calling or work related idea, my husband yells out to me, “You can sit on your hands when they call for volunteers”!

It’s true, I think I am addicted to volunteering; on some level I think I can save the world if I am a part of the volunteer movement.

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Creative Downtown Escapes Your Kids Will Love!

Spring Break is on its way and your kids will be out of school before you know it. If your palms are clammy at the thought of an entire week filled with empty days and you dread the choruses of “I’m bored” that will start approximately five minutes after the bell has rung, the Calgary Downtown Association has compiled a list of great thing to do rain or shine. 

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Meals on the Move - Have an Indoor Picnic

March and April can be the cruelest of months. The sun shines brilliantly through your windows promising warmer days ahead, but you are met at the door with an icy blast; this is Mother Nature’s way of telling you that even though the calendar says it’s spring, Old Man Winter is not finished playing with you just yet.

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