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How to Raise a Resilient Child

When I see my kid flipping out over not getting a toy at the grocery store checkout aisle, scary things pop into my head. I picture my kid, in the future, throwing a pen across the room at their boss when they don’t get the promotion they want. I also picture them trying unsuccessfully to deal with things I have to deal with every day: road rage, a tantrum-y toddler, impatience over a failing recipe. And this is why I am determined to raise a resilient, problem-solving child, one who is able to roll with the punches life will inevitably throw their way. 

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Creative Families: Ways to Encourage Expressive Kids

Sometimes a parent’s ‘the-arts-just-aren’t-necessary’ attitude can tragically squelch a young person’s creative aspirations, and a parent who is too gung-ho about a child’s talents may not realize that hijacking dreams robs a child of healthy feelings of ownership and independence. Fortunately, many parents find the balanced middle. They figure out how to quietly stand behind a young person’s aspirations without taking over, and they find ways to supportively usher their child toward creating a colorful future for themselves. 

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Raising Respectful Kids

Ouch! Whether disrespectful behavior plays out in the sandbox, the family room, or the boardroom, it hurts. Adults and children alike feel the sting of disrespect. Per a new University of Kentucky study, children as young as 6 recognize and respond to disrespect, often with anger. Parents and caregivers use the term ‘disrespect’ to cover a broad range of behaviors, from failing to offer polite greetings to eye rolls, sighs, and mouthing off. Regardless of the form it takes, we don’t like it. Thankfully, even if disrespect is a regular visitor in your home, it’s possible to build more respectful family relationships based on empathy and mutual respect, says Tiffany Sands, a licensed counsellor. Read on for age-by-age guidance on ditching disrespect for good.

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Learning Beyond the Books - Five Skills to Develop

Raising smart kids is about building brainpower. Kids who can seek information, connect ideas, and apply what they’ve learned aren’t just book-smart, they are life-smart. Cultivate your student’s success with these essential skills.

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