There have been an increasing number of children being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) over the past few decades. Part of the reason for this increase has been an increased awareness of neurodiversity, which has also been associated with improvements in how educators, medical professionals, and parents interact with these children.
Do you come from a ‘dysfunctional family’? Is your ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) score so high that you worry about doing the same to your kids? Can parenting habits change in one generation? Yes, you can change your child’s destiny! Many parents with ACE scores as high as seven have raised children with one or less. You can too!
Different homes come with different rules, some more lax and some more strict than yours. If your child is spending a lot of time at your friend’s home, they will be influenced by your friend’s parenting style. Although you value your friendship, sometimes these differences in parenting styles can be a challenge as they begin to impact your child.
You’re busy making dinner, chatting away with your friend on the phone and your child overhears some of the conversation. Your child might ask, “What were you talking about? Why did you say that? What does that mean?” You pause, and then consider, “How do I explain what they heard? How much do they need to know?”
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