Kids need to be well-rested to make it through the long school day ahead of them. Unfortunately, many kids have sleep issues. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 15 to 25 percent of kids struggle to fall or stay asleep on a regular basis. The good news is that there are many steps parents can take to help their kids get a good night’s sleep. Here’s what the experts suggest:
As parents, we often find ourselves planning structured, educational and organized play opportunities for our kids in the summer, and there are some amazing summer programs offered in the Calgary area. But research is beginning to show that there is something even more beneficial for your child’s healthy development – unstructured play.
Boredom. We’ve all felt it. Children complain of it. Boredom is a feeling we experience when the brain is unsatisfied in its search for stimulation. In a world where stimulation is constant and all around us, it’s easy to see why boredom might feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. It tends to be something we seek to avoid. Yet without boredom, we would all be pretty boring!
It’s that time of the year again when we need to start thinking about what’s coming next for our children in school. Some children will be starting Kindergarten, starting junior high or high school, or moving to a new school or class next year. These changes can lead to a mix of excitement and worry about what will happen in the future. For most students, these feelings are expected and manageable with some thought. For others, these feelings can be debilitating in the present and jeopardize the ease of the new beginning.
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