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From breakup to breakthrough: The art of rebuilding community post-divorce

There is nothing like a life-altering event to alienate people you thought were your friends.

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Learning from mistakes - Transitioning failures into successes

Failure. Most will agree it’s a part of life. Why is it then that it can feel so scary to imagine failing? We tend to rather avoid, not decide, distract, or do anything to not have to face it. 

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It’s just a phase - or is it?

When it comes to parenting, finding a balanced approach to any concept is what we strive for – whether it’s nutrition, sleep, or discipline. We all have universal goals for our kids. We want them to feel loved, happy, and healthy. We want to do everything we can to optimize their development and set them up for success in the future. 

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What’s the secret to getting kids hooked on books?

Do you remember going on a trip to visit a grandparent or aunt, and lugging along your cherished book? Or maybe you were the kid who brought a book to the beach and couldn’t wait to lie in the sun and just read, like the adults?

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