No one likes to hear that they can’t do what they want, when they want to do it. But having boundaries and setting limits is a necessary part of life. We depend on them to help us know what is expected of us, where we should be, what we should do, how we should act. They give us a sense of safety, because without limits and boundaries, things would be chaotic!
Between hockey practice, dance class, work meetings, dentist appointments, and every other scheduled activity, do you ever feel that your family is a bit... disconnected? Sometimes it’s hard to have meaningful time together, especially when there’s so much to do, and so little time to do it. One of the easiest ways to support moments of connection is through creating family rituals.
We have all been there: the house is a mess, there are toys everywhere, dishes piling up, laundry hampers overflowing…
At this point, it’s just faster for you to do all of the work yourself than to ask your kids for help and hear the endless, “why do we have to do this?” and “it’s too hard!” protests.
The decision to restructure a family is never easy. Here’s some thoughts to guide you in navigating the first steps, including sharing the situation with the children.
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