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School Aged

Eight Ways to Organize Your Child’s Paper Load

Within a week of school starting, it begins. You can almost hear the groaning noises from tables, countertops and in-boxes as paper after paper piles up. The computer inbox swells as emails fly in daily. Homework, class reminders, past due assignments, team schedules. Face it, kids generate a lot of paperwork. But by figuring out a good system that works for you, you will save yourself not only time and energy but also a lot of headaches.

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Sidestep the Scariness of School

New beginnings are exciting but often nerve-wracking so don’t be surprised if your child seems a little jittery during the first few weeks of school. You might expect it, especially if it’s their first foray into the academic world, but sometimes you’ll find returning students are just as apprehensive. Not to worry, there are simple steps you can take to assure that both first-timers and veterans alike slide smoothly into class.

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Get Organized for Homework Now

School is just around the corner, and chances are you can still remember last year's homework woes.  This year, get a jump-start on homework organization before it becomes a hassle at your house.

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Let’s Talk: The Art of the Parent-Teacher Conference

A meeting between you and your child’s teacher can be a powerful tool for helping your child succeed in school. Whether scheduled by the school, requested by you or suggested by the teacher, such a meeting gives you a platform to learn about your child and to assert your child’s needs. Follow these nine guidelines for more productive (and even enjoyable) parent-teacher conferences.

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