Before you know it, summer will be coming to an end and it will be time to prepare the kids to go back to school. The start of a new school year is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming for parents. Here are four steps to ensure a smoother transition from summer days to school days.
Let me guess, your kids are going to be around for at least part of the summer? Maybe they are going to an overnight camp or a day camp or attending a workshop or summer school here and there. But for some of the summer, they will be home with no structured activities. Yikes! Your first instinct might be to give them the summer off, but be careful. They may be tired from being busy all school year but kids recover quickly. Within 48 hours of the start of summer break for the kids, you will be wondering what the heck you were thinking if you let them clear their summer schedules.
Teachers know that one of the marks of a bright child is the size of the child’s vocabulary. The definition of vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. Children with a larger vocabulary communicate better, read and write with greater understanding, and radiate confidence in their learning ability.
Over the last 20 years, there has been a tremendous amount of research devoted to very important cognitive abilities responsible for school success. These innate abilities are called executive functions, and they control a person’s ability to stay focused, plan ahead, strategize, and recall information. Some students come by these skills naturally, while others need lots of support.
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