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Google Helps Simplify Hectic Fall Schedules

Getting back into a routine after a relaxing summer can be tough and getting your kids to check in with the family calendar and checklists in the kitchen can be even tougher. Also, kids going to university makes keeping in touch - with parents and friends - difficult and costly. This year, you can help your family stay in touch better using free, yet powerful tools that both students and parents can use without complication.

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Back to School Shopping Doesn't Have to Bust Your Budget

Who knew kids could grow out of all of their clothing, and lose all of their school supplies in the few weeks since school let out in June? "Of course they didn't," says Sarah Deveau. "But many parents automatically shop as though they had."

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Split Decisions: Choosing Colors for Kids Sharing a Room

You don’t have to be a Jon-and-Kate-plus-eight-family to have siblings share a bedroom. Nowadays, it’s a matter of economics and practicality for brothers or sisters to bunk together.

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Wanna be a Coupon Queen?

Tips and Tricks to Get You Saving Money

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