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School Aged

Helping Kids With Homework

Whether you love it or hate it, homework is a component of your children’s education. In our busy lives with schedules full of sports, dance, music lessons and the like, families may find it difficult to set their children’s educational responsibilities as a high priority. Although parents everywhere want their children to succeed in school, many parents err more on the side of slighting the importance of nightly homework than in giving too much help. There are those parents who make the mistake of doing the homework themselves for a variety of reasons, but they are in the minority and teachers will always spot such activity.

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Five Steps to Choosing the Perfect School

Searching for the right school is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, requiring committed preparation. Luckily, you are not alone. Follow this guide, step by step. And if the road gets rocky, keep your eye on the finish line: your child’s future. 

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Prepare for Academic Success at Home: Settling the Foundation

Creating and supporting habits of lifelong learning is the best investment you can make in your child’s academic success. The Parent Institute and the non-profit, Reading Is Fundamental (RIF), have ideas for creating a learning-rich, home environment. Their ideas have been combined for this simple home-learning list to advance your child’s literacy and mathematical acuity this school year.

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4 Practical Ways to Tame the Homework Headache

Before it turns into a battle of wills - and even tears - try these tips to keep the peace in your household! Everyone in the family had a busy day. Maybe it was at school learning and working hard. Maybe it was at work doing what you love or what needs to be done. Maybe it was endless errands that leave you feeling like you spent the whole day in the car.

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