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Reconnecting Calgary's Children to Nature

Is your child at risk for “Nature Deficit Disorder”? Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature Deficit Disorder, coined this term which describes the growing social phenomenon of spending more time indoors with technology instead of outdoors in nature doing activities. Over the last couple of decades, it has become more challenging to stay connected to nature activities and enjoy healthy living in Calgary. Many in Calgary now choose to live in high-density housing like a condo townhouse or apartment. This may be an economical or a personal lifestyle choice. Whatever the reason, it makes it more difficult to find safe after school activities in Calgary with natural play spaces for children.

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'Sprwinter' Fun for Tweens and Teens

Looking for some boredom-busting activities to get you and your family through the late winter and early Spring months? After all, Spring in Calgary isn’t always about April Showers and May Flowers. But take heart, spring and summer are right around the corner. Here are a few family-fun activities to get you and your family through to warmer weather.

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Bored? Why Not Visit a Museum?

Southern Alberta is full of incredible world-class museums and heritage sites for your family to explore year-round! Many of these museums have special hands-on sections for little ones to enjoy, or special kid-friendly exhibits. All of these museums are either in Calgary or within a two-hour drive. 

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The Top 10 Things to Do on the Cheap in Calgary this Winter

You can have fun in Calgary without spending mega wads of cash. The current Alberta economic slump has impacted tens of thousands of people across our province, but that doesn't mean you can't still lead a fulfilling life! Treating yourself to some frugal fun will keep you motivated and productive in the long-run. Whatever limits you may be dealing with right now, please remember how important it is to take breaks to recharge.

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