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House to Home

To Sell or to Save – That is the Question

The Spring cleaning season is here! This is the time of year that many of us dig to the back of the closets and the bottom of drawers and decide what’s ready for a garage sale. Deciding what should go and what should stay can sometimes be a difficult decision. On one hand, you don’t want to sell something that you may need or want again in the future. On the other hand, you need to free up space in your home in order to stay organized and tidy. How do you decide what stays and what goes?

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Your Backyard - Embrace the Great Outdoors

The temperature is starting to rise and playing in the backyard is finally an option again! It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, there’s something satisfying about walking out your back door and having the great outdoors at your fingertips. It doesn’t matter if your backyard is small, medium or large, there are options to maximize this space and make it so that your entire family can enjoy it.

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Spring Forward for Spring Home Maintenance

Spring cleaning checklist – When the first blooms appear on the trees and a warm breeze begins to blow, it is surely a sign that it is time for Spring cleaning. But for all the necessity of this ritual, for most of us, it is not a favorite endeavor. Poet Emily Dickinson once said of Spring cleaning, “House is being cleaned. I prefer pestilence.”

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How to Love Where You Live - Adding Character to Make a House Your Own

When moving into newer homes, a lot of homeowners are afraid to change certain aspects of the home toward something in their own style. This is sometimes because the existing finishes are new or still in decent shape. It doesn’t really make sense financially to replace a light fixture or paint brand new cabinets. It does make sense to want to live in a house that you are in love with and feels like home.

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