10 most common causes of what may be called, 'Poor Test Taker Syndrome.'
What is Bullying?
Bullying is the intentional (planned) and repeated use of anger or aggression by one or more children directed towards another child or group of children. A bully tries to scare, harass or harm another child(ren), especially if the other child(ren) seems weak and helpless.
"She and her friends waited for me after school and followed me all the way home. They yelled mean things and threw rocks and garbage at me. This has happened almost every day. I don't know why they don't like me."
Just barely mumble the words, "Don't you have some math homework to do?" and you are likely to hear enough moans and groans to make you want to throw in the towel right then and there. Although it is not always the subject of choice, math does not have to be a nasty word either.
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