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Top 10 playground picks

Calgary has many wonderful parks and playgrounds. Here’s a list of some of the best Calgary has to offer to put on your bucket list this year.

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Spring break family bucket list

The goal: Try at least a couple of new things with your family before the beginning of summer. We usually start our mission over spring break and Easter, and then continue until the end of school in June.

What new activities could you try with your kids this year? It could be as simple as visiting a new playground or going for a walk in a new park.

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Snow much fun!

Love it or hate it, ice and snow is all over Calgary from October to April! There are plenty of ways to use snow and ice as an open-ended toy, play structure and science experiment – here are just a few ideas!

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Become a tourist in Calgary this winter

Calgary is beautiful in every season, but we’re lucky enough to be one of the world’s top destinations for winter sports and activities! People come from around the globe to ski, hike, fish and climb in the coldest months of the year in the nearby mountains and foothills. It’s easy to take all that winter can offer for granted (especially when you’re tired of scraping off your car every morning), but why not embrace the cold this year and make the most of it?

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