It’s hard to believe that as of this month, most students will have completed another school year. Some look forward to the long stretch without homework and school-related responsibilities with excitement. Others feel apprehensive about not seeing their pals every day, are sorry to say goodbye to a special teacher and will miss the routine that a school day provides. As parents, we too often look towards the summer holidays with mixed emotions – we’re glad to be free of school lunch preparation first thing every morning, figuring out car pool schedules and extra-curricular activities for a couple of months.
Star light, star bright, explore the skies with your family tonight! The International Year of Astronomy 2009 isn’t just for professional astronomers. It’s a global event to bring the wonder of the universe to everyone.
Why are you making me do this? It’s not fair! No one else has to work over summer...attach any sort of "child labour" connotation and the battle begins. Writing over the summer can be fun and provide all of you with some memorable moments.
Here are some suggestions to encourage your child to write in a fun and creative way that won’t be perceived as work.
Unfortunately, many children today do not know where their food comes from. Many would even draw a blank if you pointed to a jar of canned veggies and asked them how they ended up on the store shelf. The good news is you can change that! With the nice weather on your side, you can coach your kids to play an active role in growing their own fresh produce.
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