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Planting Seeds for Adventure, Explore the Unknown – All In the Name of Fun

My 10-year-old daughter stands motionless before a large black-and-white photograph of two girls on a beach. Nearby, her 12-year-old sister studies a photo caption, while my youngest tugs me toward another set of pictures. We linger unexpectedly during a summer afternoon in the gallery hosting this unusual traveling exhibit about Anne Frank. One would never guess the moans and complaints preceding our visit - moans and complaints that often surface at the suggestion of something new. But this successful outing gives me hope.

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Tips for Preparing Teens for Overseas Travel this Summer

Health precautions, securing documents, packing and communications are at the top of every traveler's list. There are so many things parents can do in advance of a trip to help things go smoothly," says Scott von Eschen, President,

Here are the best tips and precautions for the international traveler:

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Smooth Travels - 5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Time Away

My daughter recently went on an exchange trip with her teachers and classmates. She was out of the country for 10 days without her dad, her siblings or me. She did great. In fact, she was so excited that her bag was packed a full week before her trip. As she calmly hugged and kissed us good bye, I took time to reflect on how she arrived in that place of calm confidence.

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Celebrate Warm Weather in the Mountains Without Breaking the Bank

The sun is getting stronger, the temperature is climbing and you can even go outside without a jacket on warm days. Now is the time to take the family skiing if you haven’t started yet over the winter. Your children won’t mind the occasional bit of slushy snow on the ski hill, and younger kids will do better with fewer layers on to restrict movement. And don’t worry about breaking the bank; there are some incredible deals to be had this time of year on the slopes.

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