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Health & Wellness

To Synch & Swim

I am from the Prairies; a total land lover. I took swimming lessons as a child, but  hated to get my face wet. The best I could do was dog paddle. Fast forward 25 years. I am the mother of my beautiful daughter, Natalie. Despite my own shortcomings in the water, I realize swimming is a “life skill”. So I took my daughter to mom and infant swim classes.

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Diaper Rashes

Chances are, your baby will have at least one diaper rash in his young life. Don’t fret, here are some examples of rashes and how to treat them:

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Tips for Lessening Your Child’s Anxiety About Seeing the Doctor

My daughter has epilepsy. At just four and a half years old, she has experienced more than her fair share of doctor’s visits, medical tests and hospital stays. She has had so many; in fact, she has developed an anxiety about doctors. We never had any issues with this before. She used to love seeing her pediatrician. She never cried when receiving vaccinations. Or was uneasy about being examined. She once even faked being sick because she wanted to visit her doctor’s office.

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In Focus - Kids & Contact Lenses

“When can I get contact lenses?” is a familiar question to many parents. There’s really no hard and fast rule about when a child is ready to wear contacts, says Dr. Neil Henninger, who has worked with hundreds of parents and kids. The average age to begin wearing lenses is usually 12 to 13 years old. However, some kids as young as eight may be responsible enough to try them, while others may not be ready at 16.

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