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Health & Wellness

Breathe Easy - Surviving Spring Allergies

It’s that time of year again. The snow has cleared and your kids are excited to run out and spend some quality time outdoors, but along with green grass and colorful flowers comes runny noses, watery eyes and coughing. While these symptoms may at first glance appear to be a cold, they can also be a sign of seasonal allergies.

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Not Sleeping? Reset Your Child’s Biological Clock

Lack of sleep affects every minute of every day for every person in the family because lack of sleep isn’t just about being tired. Sleep has a role in everything your child does and how he feels – dawdling, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, growth, health and even learning to tie his shoes and recite the ABCs. Sleep affects everything. The following ideas are of value to almost any sleeper, of any age. These tips can bring improvement not only in your child’s sleep, but also in her daytime mood and last, but not least – improvements in your own sleep and outlook as well.

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Best Food Forward: Plan Shop Cook Enjoy!


This year Dietitians of Canada have taken on a new challenge in Nutrition month. Registered Dietitians from across the country are experiencing the grocery store through the eye of the consumer:

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Are You Sleepy?

Are you tired? Me too! But, guess what… your child or teen is probably even more tired. In fact, 80 per cent of teens, and nearly 70 per cent of kids under 10 are sleep-deprived. Sleep deprivation can be a significant problem for kids, interfering with almost every aspect of their lives.

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