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It’s almost time for the season of giving

The holidays are a time we love to give. It is also a time where affordability and the expectations of the season, for many people, do not align. This creates the opportunity for families planning their holiday giving to get creative with the many ways we can help each other. 

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The 2021 Evolve Montessori Purposeful Toy Gift Guide

When it comes to toys, it is essential that you put time and thought into choosing the perfect ones for your child. Why? Because the toys your child plays with play a huge role in their development. When choosing toys for your child, it is important to choose purposeful toys that will engage them, help them meet their developmental needs, and build essential childhood development skills. 

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Easy, Edible Christmas Gifts to Make With the Kids

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, spending time with friends and family, and for many, exchanging gifts. For me, exchanging gifts is not the main part or even the purpose of the holiday season; it’s about spending precious time with the ones I love. But there is something about giving gifts that warms my heart. A great way to warm your family’s heart is to get busy in the kitchen with your kids and create homemade edible gifts for friends, family, teachers, tutors, coaches... the list goes on!

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Holiday Gift Giving - the Frugal Way

Living a frugal lifestyle does not hinder you from giving great gifts to your friends and family. Just roll up your sleeves, do the math, and flex your creativity muscle! Read on for my family’s process when it comes to holiday gift giving.

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