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Let's get started! Building your child’s task initiation skills

Does your child engage in last-minute cramming sessions to prepare for unit tests? Has your child ever pulled an all-nighter to finish a project? Most children and adolescents have experienced the unpleasant consequences of procrastination. All parents have heard their child say, "I'll do it later," only to find that the task was never completed. To a certain extent, this is normal. Many people have a natural tendency to put off tasks until tomorrow, until the weekend, or until a time when they "feel like doing it." Unfortunately, procrastination patterns in childhood can grow into unhealthy habits in adulthood. Eventually, these habits can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, procrastination can contribute to lower grades, dependence on others to complete work, and tardiness.

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Calgary Reads is transforming

At a time when children need help learning to read more than ever because of the pandemic, Calgary Reads is scaling up by spreading its early literacy mission across the city: Several community partners will carry on its critical early literacy work and raise the next generation of readers.

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"My Teacher Doesn't Like Me!"

Is your child coming home from school and saying to you, “My teacher doesn’t like me” or, “I don’t like going to school!”? It can be hard to problem through these situations and wonder, Is my child overreacting or being dramatic? Or you worry that maybe their teacher is being hard on your child?

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Help! My Child is Falling Behind in School

The school year is in full swing, and you’ve noticed that your child who was happy, relaxed, excited to begin school in September is now anxious and reluctant to engage in learning.

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