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Mental Health

Surefire Strategies for Success over Stress - How to Build Lasting Resilience!

Stress can and does cause medical symptoms with no disease present. In fact, it has been estimated by medical practitioners that up to 75 per cent of the patients they treat have real symptoms, but these symptoms are caused by stress alone, not by a disease.

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Attention Deficit Disorder Q & A

Q: Mornings are such a hassle for my family that by the time the kids leave for school, I am a wreck. I am constantly telling my kids what to do - particularly with Garth, my child with ADHD. If I were not on his case every moment, he’d end up at school in his pajamas! He just doesn’t seem to be able to stay focused on getting ready. I feel guilty that I am yelling way too much. Is there some way that we can have a calm morning with everyone just getting ready on time and out the door without me having to chase them every step of the way?

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Driven to Distraction? Seven Nutritional Keys to Manage ADHD

50 years ago, a classroom averaged one hyperactive child. Today, there are at least five to six hyperactive children per classroom. Our food has also changed more in the last 50 years than in the 500 years prior. Perhaps it’s simply a coincidence? I don’t think it’s an accident.

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Do I Look Fat in This? 10 Tips to Creating a Healthy Body Image for our Daughters

How many times has your daughter heard you complain about your body, its size, weight and shape? Is she a witness to you struggling with unrealistic diet or exercise regimes? Has she ever heard you say that you hate some part of your body? Has she ever heard you say that you are comfortable with yourself and the skin you are in?

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