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All Ages

Stop the Squabbles, Stat!

If you have more than one child living under your roof, chances are you’ve dealt with sibling rivalry along with shrieks of “It’s not fair!” or, “But he did it first!” Sibling rivalry is a daily struggle for millions of parents. But sibling tensions don’t have to rule your home. Read on for age-by-age strategies on smoothing sibling squabbles.

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What’s up With That? When Toddlers Say No!

The moment your child utters their first word, you’ll probably want to announce it to the world while quickly marking the occasion in their baby book. You probably won’t be so thrilled, however, when their word of choice evolves into the very opinionated word, ‘no.’ Although this is a frustrating and challenging stage of development, it is completely normal.

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Teach your child to view life from the inside out, not the outside in

The summer is an easy-going slice of life with less pressure and fewer responsibilities--it is simple to have a sunny outlook. However, even during the summer, many kids become frustrated and angry when things don’t go exactly as hoped-a rainy day causes an outdoor activity to be canceled, or a friend’s decision to attend sleep-away camp thwarts carefully crafted plans to spend the summer together. “The summer is ruined”, a child will lament, as she struggles to cope with the disappointment of that moment. Then, as summer wears on, these feelings may become amplified as she worries about whether she will get the teacher she wants, or discover that all her friends are ‘in the other class.’ “I will have the worst year ever if...,” she proclaims, unable to see beyond the perceived crisis. 

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Restoring Self-Wholeness - A Single Parent Perspective

Whether you became a single parent by choice or circumstance, you deserve a moment to marvel at your ability to do one of the most difficult jobs on the planet! After giving yourself a solid pat on the back, please take another moment to consider a fascinating, somewhat troubling, yet hopeful single parent dilemma.

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