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Anger Management - Helping Kids Cool Down

Simmering, seething, white-hot anger. We’ve all felt anger, and our children experience it too. Angry emotions are a normal part of life, and by themselves, they aren’t a cause for concern. But acting out of anger - which can include harming people or property - is a different story, and it’s becoming more common. From a hitting toddler to a temperamental teen, here’s how to help kids keep their cool.

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Make Mealtimes Meaningful

October is the month that parents sometimes forget to breathe. The novelty of back-to-school has worn off and the challenge of fitting in car-pools, homework, activities and your own obligations leaves little time for anything—including breathing! You might not realize it, but your child likely feels exactly the same way.

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Teaching Kids to Say Sorry - and Mean it!

At first blush, teaching kids to apologize seems simple. You instruct them to say sorry to whomever they wronged and you move on. But did your child only say sorry to appease you? Does your child really understand what they did wrong? Teaching kids to apologize with sincerity helps them learn lessons in empathy, nurturing and forgiveness. And given the messiness of life, those moments requiring apologies tend to be plentiful for practice.

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Summer Screen Time

Do you feel like your child has become a zombie, constantly in front of some device? There’s still time left to get your kids outside this summer and to stop the arguing about screen time.

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