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Focused or Frazzled? Support the ‘Air Traffic Control System’ of Your Child’s Brain

If your child is involved in organized sports, you’ve probably noticed that at practices and games, some children are focused, listening to the coach and doing what they are asked, whereas other children seem to be doing anything but - daydreaming, fidgeting, watching the birds fly by or picking dandelions. What allows some children to stay focused and on task despite all the distractions?

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Seven Ways to Teach Goal-Setting to Reluctant Kids

We are living in an age of constant interruption. So when it comes to setting and accomplishing goals in the future, kids who learn how to concentrate and focus will have a distinct advantage over those who cannot. We need to help our children learn how and when to put their blinders on so they can apply focused goal-setting to challenges of their own choosing. Achieving personal goals helps kids channel the energy they have today productively, and inspires them to become more confident action-takers in the future.

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Making Changes, One Behavior at a Time

From strengthening relationships to achieving a healthier lifestyle, we all have behaviors we’d like to change to create a more satisfying life. But when we have families, establishing more positive habits can prove tricky. To get your family motivated, begin by focusing on one behavior at a time and make changes in a fun, collaborative way.

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Bad Behavior or Developmentally on Track?

It’s one thing if your toddler has a kicking, screaming tantrum in the supermarket, which is actually on target developmentally, as embarrassing as it can be for you. But what if your child is still at it when they’re three, four or even five? As kids get older, we expect more from them, and rightly so. But it can be tough to know what’s okay because it’s ‘just a stage’ and what’s no longer age-appropriate.

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