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Capture a Moment in Time - Fabulous Family Interviews

"When I grow up, I want to be a giraffe,” my three-year-old daughter declared during one of our annual family interviews. The following year, she wanted to be an artist. When she was six, she decided she’d like to live on a ranch and draw her horses instead of ride them! As parents, we all measure our kids’ growth in feet and inches. But how do you measure their ideas and dreams? Recording yearly interviews with your children will provide a unique way of capturing who they are at that moment in time. Here are a few ideas for you to conduct annual family interviews of your own.

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In the Blink of a Childhood

9,467,000 minutes. 157,785 hours. 6,574 days. 18 years can seem like a long time. Yet childhood with our kids often feels like it will disappear ‘in the blink of an eye.’ To hold back its passage, don’t stop blinking. Instead, check out these five tips from parents and experts on how to prolong and savor each phase of childhood while it lasts.

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Smart Kids, Smart Choices

Helping kids learn to make good choices is a powerful way to foster future success. We beam with parental pride when our toddler chooses to share a toy, or when our teen swaps candy for fruit. But how can we help raise kids who make good choices when we’re not around?

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Top Items to Pack in Your Child's Lunchbox

My daughter plays hard at day camp and spends long hours in the heat. She comes home filthy and exhausted. She was also coming home absolutely starving until I figured out what to pack in her lunchbox to keep her fueled all day. The standard lunch I’d been sending to school just wasn’t cutting it for camp.

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