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School Aged

12 great memory strategies for better grades

All of us, students, and non-students alike, forget important things. This happens when we don’t transfer information into long-term memory. It is important to know how to do this to do well in school and beyond.

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Back-to-school prep essentials

The start of a new school year with a new routine is a significant transition from the long lazy days of the summer. Whether your child is just beginning school for the first time or a seasoned student, a new grade level or school with new teachers, classes, and expectations requires an adjustment. Students and parents alike may feel a range of emotions as the back-to-school season quickly approaches. Ease your family's anxieties by adequately preparing for and setting the tone for the new school year.

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Taking control of back-to-school anxiety

The new school year is around the corner. This means you’re probably enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation, starting back-to-school shopping, and anticipating the new school year. You may be wondering who your child’s new teacher will be (we all know the teacher/child connection makes a big impact on the year), how they will manage their schoolwork load, and whether they’ll be placed in the same class as their best friend. One thing you may lose sight of (unless they clearly express it) is your child’s level of anxiety before school starts. 

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Avoiding activity burnout

The start of the school year brings enthusiasm. A new class, friends and experiences are all exciting. Many kids can’t wait to try every activity introduced by teachers and peers. So, should you let your child try it all, or is it better to encourage them to stick with one or two areas they already enjoy? 

It can be tempting to let your child try every new activity. After all, childhood is the best time to explore and grow – and there’s no way for them to discover a passion without trying many things. On the other hand, too much diversification can make it difficult for a child to immerse themselves fully in a new experience and it can become confusing and stressful for them.

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