Whether your home is bilingual or not, enrolling your children in a French Immersion program is an option readily available in Calgary. When considering this option for your children, you are making a conscious choice for their future and are likely weighing the pros and cons.
It may sound like a major undertaking, but nothing can improve your child’s happiness and academic future like placing them in a school where they can thrive and realize their full potential.
As the old school year ends, a new school year is just around the corner. It seems you either dread it, or embrace it. For those who embrace it, a new school year is ripe with possibility and opportunities for growth and exploration. A new grade with new friends to make, new topics to learn about, new abilities to test.
In Alberta, we are fortunate to have an abundance of educational opportunities and school choice. Even amongst the independent school options, there is a wide variety of missions, programs, and focus-areas. To help you set your child on the right path, we’ve taken a step back and compiled this objective list of questions you can use to evaluate each school you are considering.
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