Gifts can be tricky for kids like my son Dylan. Sure, they like all the same things that other kids do but when their world already seems overwhelming, a calming sensory-activity-based toy is really what they crave. Think simple. Check out these top 10 gifts for your sensory-seeking child.
Have you just received a special needs diagnosis for your child? It is important to remember that you are not alone.
Start transitioning your child as soon as you can. Without a doubt, the holidays can over-stimulate neurotypicals and even more so with individuals on the spectrum. Holidays mean a long break from school. No quizzes and exams to burn the midnight oil for, no class recitation, assignments and stage performances. They get to see their family and friends - and sleep or romp all they want with nary a care about tomorrow. All these things can make transitioning from the holidays back to a regular routine more stressful and taxing to adults, teens and especially for those with autism.
Parents are natural advocates for their children. We love our children, and we want the best for them. As a mother of four children, three with special-needs, I know how important it is to advocate for my kids. There is no one who will be more committed to making sure my children have access to the support, treatment and education they are guaranteed more than I am.
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