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Dinner with Julie - Pad Thai

Pad Thai has always been one of my favorites, and a great way to make use of leftover roasted chicken, pork or tofu as well as spring asparagus and sugar snap peas.

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Dinner With Julie - Chicken with Sourdough Dumplings

My name is Julie, and I’m a recipe-a-holic. There are worse vices (unless recipe addiction involves stockpiling decades’ worth of food magazines, and taking in any others that friends threaten to recycle). I have loved them since I was a kid. I know I’ve told you the story of pilfering peoples’ cookbook shelves and recipe boxes when I’d go over to babysit, after the kids went to bed.

I have in my travels thumbed past many a recipe for chicken & dumplings. So many, in fact, that I have become oblivious to them, even though it’s something I’ve never actually made before. Somehow it just blips past my radar: chicken & dumplings - know that one. Not even a glimmer of interest flitters through my mind. (Chicken and biscuits, yes - but that’s a whole different thing.)

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Quick and Cozy Meals for the Winter Months

Family mealtimes are important times. In fact, families who eat together regularly share healthier and better balanced meals, have children who engage in less risky behaviors and have parents who are more actively involved in the lives of their children.

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