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21 Questions to Jump-Start Conversation With Your Kids

It’s evening. Maybe you’re lucky enough to be sitting around the dinner table as a family. Or perhaps you’ve got a few moments in the car with your child between activities. So you ask, “How was your day?” But all you get are grunts and shrugged shoulders. Instead you try asking, “What did you do in school today?” This time you get the customary one-word answer: “Nothing.”

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Coping with Tragedy - How to Offer Hope to Grieving Children

Has someone important in your child’s life passed away? As a school counselor, I have worked with many grieving children. Parents often seek guidance when a loved one has passed. Some struggle to find the words that will help their children understand.

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How to Feel at Home in a New Location - 9 Tips to Help You Thrive

Whether it’s your first move to a new city or province, or your fifth, we’ve all experienced that rush of anxiety once we reach a new location. We want to feel connected within our community, to instantly have life set up and running – to feel at home.

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Five Tips to Help Create a Peaceful Stepfamily Holiday

The holidays descended upon us quickly after my husband and I married mid-October and began our new life together. My expectations of a joyous holiday season faded as the reality of combining two households with different traditions and outside family members settled on us. I wasn’t prepared for the chaos and heartache that accompanied our first Christmas together.

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