No one – including Supermom – can prevent kids from experiencing setbacks in life. Your daughter may miss the class field trip because she caught a nasty cold. Or she may come home crying when her science-fair project earns a lower-than-hoped-for grade.
Blending families doesn’t have to be a nightmare; it can be an opportunity to show a child that love extends beyond problems between their mom and dad. Stepparents or loving partners that a child may encounter after a divorce, separation or death of a parent, can play an integral part in a child’s life and can provide insight into the depth of a healthy, loving relationship.
One of the most common concerns amongst parents is sibling rivalry. Sometimes the rivalry is quite innocuous - like when siblings fight over which side of the couch to sit on or who got more French fries. Other times, it’s more extreme, like when there’s hair pulling and toys being thrown like speeding bullets from one end of the room to another.
Little girls are sugary sweet and filled with adoration for their mommy. As they approach the teen years, the mother-daughter relationship often gets a bit trickier. I try to connect with my tween every day to remind her that we still have something awesome between us.
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